Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tip For the Calming Yourself During the Holidays!

Many of you know that breathing is one of my main tools for Claiming Your Calm! 
Lots and lots is written about breathing and has been for thousands of years in all cultures.  The many benefits are too numerous to list here, so concisely, breathing awareness creates different and easier brain/emotional functioning. Many teachers and techniques are now online to offer their knowledge and insights. 

Here’s mine: Just Breathe…with Awareness. 

This means, notice your breath, and that there is an inhalation and an exhalation, and space between them. This is the first step. And note…this breathing awareness practice of just noticing the four parts of your normal, innate breathing pattern is through your nostrils, on both the inhale and the exhale. Each cycle of inhalation, space, exhalation and space is a “round.” 

Next, to become more focused, attentive, even meditative, notice the differences/similarities among the four parts within a round, including length, rate, rhythm, depth, pattern and effort. Take one of these qualities at a time, being curious about each. Then gradually feel them together. 

This quiets the mind as it keeps the mind out of control mode and into observing mode. Or put another way: body-led awareness.

Then to make this a deeper practice, breath control is the next step. Start with lengthening the inhalation only, with a normal exhalation, for 2-3 breath rounds. Return to normal breathing, a gentle breath.Then take a normal inhalation and add a longer exhalation for 2-3 breath rounds. Again return to normal breathing, a gentle breath. Play with different lengths, again noticing the five other aspects listed above. Nothing rapid or aggressive or long.

The key ingredients of developing awareness are playfulness, curiosity and less effortful! 

If you are interested in experiencing more thorough guidance, give me a call or email me. Or buy the Gentle Breath CD either on the website or on Amazon.

Namasté - Kandy

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